
Showing posts from December, 2020

Our First Christmas

Christmas morning the girls actually slept in.  They had stayed up so late waiting for Santa that they were very tired.  Mommy woke early and did her 'morning stuff' before waking the little elves. 'Wake up, girls,' Mommy called quietly.  'It's Christmas.' 'Christmas!' they cried, waking immediately.  'Santa!  Presents!' 'Make your beds and tend to your pets and we'll go see what Santa left under the tree,' said Mommy. 'What do you think we got?' asked Aria as she handed Henry to Melody and Sonata rolled up her sleeping bag. 'I don't know, but I bet it's special,' replied Melody. 'Weeeeeeeeee...!' cried Sophie as she slid down Max's ramp.  'Christmas!' The girls wandered out to the tree.  Holly, Henry and Gilbert gamboled ahead of them.  Everyone was excited.  They all had bed head.  No time to brush your hair when you have presents! Suddenly Sophie ra...

Waiting for Santa

This blog is dedicated to Daddy. Happy birthday, Daddy! ❤️ 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 'Mommy? Mommy?' A little voice floated through the night into Mommy's sleep.  'Mmph', Mommy mumbled and she reached out and switched on the light.  'Mommy, are you awake?' said the little voice.  Mommy opened her eyes.  'I'm awake, Sophie,' she said, focusing on the cherub face in front of her.  'Mommy I can't sleep,' said Sophie quietly.  Max grumbled and woofed. He was of the opinion that little dollies should be in bed at such a late hour.  Mommy sat up and reached out to Sophie. Sophie put her tiny hands in Mommy's braced hand.  'What's wrong, honey?' said Mommy.  'Well, we can't sleep, because we're too excited waiting for Santa.'  'We?' inquired Mommy.  'We're all here,' called musical voices from the floor beside the bed. 'Come on up, girls,...

A Christmas Story

A couple weeks before Christmas And throughout the house The Dolls crossed the living room And climbed on the couch Melody napped While Aria read The others caught some old cartoons Before bed Sophie kept turning her head To the right As she listened for sounds Coming in from the night She climbed from the couch Real quick crossed the floor Swung open the gate And pulled on the door The night was so quiet Like a baby asleep Not a leaf rustled There was not a peep Sophie looked down As I stood at her back There stood a kitten Quite tiny and black She gave a sweet mew I'm sure with a reason Sophie said 'her name's Holly!' To fit with the season So she took her inside Holding her close Making a promise She'd love her the most And as Holly settled in With the dolls and the poms She leaned really close To her new Dolly mom She purred like the gentle Coo...