Waiting for Santa

This blog is dedicated to Daddy. Happy birthday, Daddy! ❤️


'Mommy? Mommy?'
A little voice floated through the night into Mommy's sleep. 
'Mmph', Mommy mumbled and she reached out and switched on the light. 
'Mommy, are you awake?' said the little voice. 
Mommy opened her eyes. 
'I'm awake, Sophie,' she said, focusing on the cherub face in front of her. 
'Mommy I can't sleep,' said Sophie quietly. 
Max grumbled and woofed. He was of the opinion that little dollies should be in bed at such a late hour. 
Mommy sat up and reached out to Sophie. Sophie put her tiny hands in Mommy's braced hand. 
'What's wrong, honey?' said Mommy. 
'Well, we can't sleep, because we're too excited waiting for Santa.' 
'We?' inquired Mommy. 
'We're all here,' called musical voices from the floor beside the bed.
'Come on up, girls,' said Mommy, sitting up in bed. Sophie sat down and said, 'Can you read us a story until we get tired?' 
'What book would you like me to read?' 
'Mariah's book!' exclaimed 4 voices, one still from the floor. Mommy reached for the book from the chair next to the bed.
'Everyone choose an affirmation friend,' she said. 
Aria grabbed Puzzle. Melody snuggled Foxy. Sophie wrapped her arms around Prism Sprite and Sonata sat with Narwhal Nick.
'Mommy, can I braid your hair while you read?' asked Aria.
Mommy said she could. Aria handed Puzzle to Melody and Mommy helped Aria climb up behind her. 
Mommy started to read as Aria braided. She showed them the pictures (Aria read over her shoulder).
The girls marveled at the pictures. They recognized the dolls from the blog online.
'There's Mariah!' said Sophie, pointing. 
'Look! It's Charlotte!' cried Aria from behind Mommy's head, nearly toppling over.
Aria climbed down from Mommy's shoulder. 
Melody patted the bed in front of her. 
'I'll braid your hair now, Aria,' she said. Aria sat, Melody braided and Mommy continued. 
As Mommy read, the dolls got sleepy. Sophie snuggled against Mommy's side, hugging Prism Sprite tightly. Melody and Aria stretched out with their friends. Soon Sonata was the only one awake. 
Mommy finished reading and put the book back on the chair. She gathered her girls together, careful not to stir them. She covered them gently with the blanket, kissed each one and laid down. Soon they were all asleep. So deep in fact, that no one even heard the footsteps on the roof or the muffled 'ho ho ho'.
They didn't even hear the tinkling of the bells on the tree as Santa left their presents. 
'Merry Christmas,' said Santa, as he flew away on his sleigh, wiping milk from his mustache and holding the last cookie, the reindeer happily crunching carrots as they gained height.
The End. 

Merry Christmas, everyone! - love from Aria, Melody, Sophie, Sonata and Mommy 🎄


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