The New Girls

Andi and Louisa were new. They arrived within days of each other. The Pony Girls and Sophie decided to show them around together. They wanted to show them their favorite things to do in the house. But before we get to that, let's introduce Andi. And this is Louisa. And this is where our story starts. One morning, shortly after their arrival and after Andi's jet lag had passed, Sophie observed the two new girls chatting to each other. She went over to them and announced that this is a good day to show them around so they can settle in and discover their own interests. 'I'll go first, come with me,' Sophie said, walking away. The two girls followed her. They went into the bedroom. Sophie stopped in front of a couple bars sitting under the window. 'This is where I dance. This is my barre. Daddy made it for me. Do either of you like ballet?' The girls shook their heads. 'That's ok, no one else does either. That's why the...