
'Will Andi be here soon?' Sophie asked for the hundredth time in ten minutes.
'Soon, Honey,' Mommy said, also for the hundredth time, not bothering to look up from her book this time. A few minutes later we heard the crunch of tires on the driveway. Mommy looked out the peephole in the door. She saw a little car with a sticker on the window. The sticker said Uber.
'She's here, girls,' she said, excitement in her voice. She opened the door. A little doll stood on the step looking tired and somewhat disheveled. She wore an Akubra hat and had a backpack hanging from her shoulders. She dragged a wheeled suitcase that looked heavy. She was vastly underdressed for the freezing Colorado weather. 
'Crikey, it's cold in this country,' they heard her say through the door. Mommy helped her through the door. 'Come in out of the cold, Andi,' she exclaimed taking her suitcase, 'it's wonderful to finally see you!' Andi came in shaking snow from her slip on shoes. They'd been a good choice for the airport since they asked you to take off your shoes. But she hadn't planned on all the snow. She came through the gate and leaned her tired doll body against the bars. She looked up. So this was Andi.
Four little voices started talking at once. There was a buzzing in Andi's right ear. She reached under her hair and made a motion. Then she smiled at her new family. Mommy spoke to the girls. 'Let her in girls, let her speak.' The chattering stopped. 
'G'day, everyone,' said Andi in a tired voice. The girls started talking again all at the same time. Mommy laughed. 'At least let her warm up a bit, go to the chair.' The four girls climbed into Daddy's chair. Mommy lifted Andi gently. Exhausted from her travel, the trip to the couch seemed like a long walk. Putting Andi on the chair Mommy said, 'we're so glad to have you here, Andi. Get acquainted and then you can rest. Unless you want to unpack first.' Andi nodded, gave Mommy a little hug and turned to the girls. They tried so hard to be calm but it was hard. They were so excited. Andi remained still. They all looked at each other.
Aria took a breath then said, ' Welcome to our home. I'm Aria, and these are my sisters, Sonata, Sophie and Melody. We're so happy you're here. You...' she suddenly looked sheepish, 'you look like an American.' 
Andi chuckled. 'You look Australian.'  She leaned back against the arm of the chair. 'Questions?' she asked knowing the girls were busting with inquiries. 
She didn't even have a chance to answer one question before the next question came. 
'What was your trip like?' asked Aria. 
'Was it hard to leave your country?' asked Sonata.
'Is plane food really horrible?' asked Chef Melody.
'Hang on!' said Sophie suddenly. She approached Andi and reached out. She brushed her hair away from Andi's ear. 'What's that?' she asked lightly touching the item pressed against Andi's ear. 
'It's a hearing aid,' replied Andi. Her accent was very pretty and melodic. It sounded like Daddy's accent. The Dolls were quiet, expectant. 'I'm deaf in my left ear. And partially dead in my right ear. It helps me hear.'
'Does it hurt?' asked Sophie. 'Not at all,' Andi replied.
'How does it work?' asked Sonata. 'Well,' thought Andi, 'the microphone picks up sounds that I can't hear and turns them into digital waves. Then the piece in my ear turns them into sounds I can hear.' 
'Oohhhh...' the group said in wonder. Melody had a question. 'Andi, when you came in, you put your hand up and did something and then smiled. What did you do?' Andi laughed. 'When there's a lot of noise my hearing aid can't catch single sounds so it buzzes. I'm able to turn the volume down. I smiled because I knew you were all excited and that made me feel happy and welcome.' The girls all laughed and Andi said, 'Do you want to help me unpack?' Excited, they all nodded and showed her into the bedroom. 
'Can I look in your bag?' asked Sophie, fingering Andi's backpack. 'Sure, go ahead,' said Andi, placing her hat on Sophie's head. 
Sophie dumped her bag on the bed and started looking in the pockets. The backpack was empty in seconds. 
'Geez, Soph,' muttered Aria, shaking her head. But even she couldn't resist going through Andi's clothes.
'What's this?' asked Sophie holding a little booklet. 
'That's my passport,' said Andi. 
'What's a pass port?' inquired Melody, as Sophie handed the little book to her. 
Andi said 'Passport. It's my permission to travel to different countries. It has my picture in it and all my information in it. Like name, height, weight, hair color. Then, when I enter a country, they put a stamp in it for that country.' She reached for the passport to show them but Sophie was already onto the next thing.
'What's this?' She held out a little tiny box.
Andi leaned toward her. This is my hearing aid box. I put it in there whenever I take it out.'
'You can take it out?' Sonata piped up. 
'Sure can. Like when I sleep, or pretend to shower. It even has a brush so I can keep it clean.' 
She showed them. They ooo'd and ahhh'd. 
'It doesn't hurt?' 'No Sophie, it doesn't hurt.' 
Andi yawned. She was very tired. Aria took the hint and shoed the other girls away. Andi said Sophie could keep her hat on. Aria showed Andi where she could sleep. Without even changing her clothes or removing her hearing aid, the weary Andi lied down. 
And slept. For. Fifteen. Hours. Holly kept watch. 
She was well rested when she got up so Mommy took some pictures. 
Andi fit right in.
She even took a selfie with her new sisters and sent it in a text to Kira in Australia. 
'Love my new family, wish you were here. Love Andi' it said. 
'Good day, mateys,' said Sophie trying to do an Australian accent.
'I think it's g'day, mates, Sophie. You're not a pirate.' laughed Sonata.
'Oh ok,' chirped Sophie, straightening her hat. She liked Andi very much.
We hope you liked our story! 

- Love Aria 💙


  1. Your new sister is very beautiful. What an awesome story that was. We loved reading it and looking at the pictures. Welcome home, Andi :)

    Much love from Josefina, Luciana, and Maria


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