A Very Merry Christmas

It was Christmas Day. Santa had been and gone. The girls played around the tree, each one wearing their new gifts, a pretty Christmas dress for each of them. Except for Lily. She got a special surprise. Thinking she wasn't getting a gift (she knew she was hard to buy clothes for) she didn't participate while the other girls opened their gifts. Instead, she stayed on her shelf and played with Country Cow and listened as Rhapsody read to her. She liked it when Rhapsody read. She did all the voices. She saw Mommy come into the bedroom with some things to put away. She watched her for a while then went back to her play. Rhapsody suddenly stopped reading and she looked up to see why. Mommy was standing at the shelf. 'Excuse me, Rhapsody, but can I talk to Lily for a moment?' 'Sure!' replied Rhapsody. She put her book down and hopped off the shelf. She wanted to show the girls her new dress anyway. It was purple with purple pawrints. Purple was her colo...