A Very Merry Christmas

It was Christmas Day. Santa had been and gone. The girls played around the tree, each one wearing their new gifts, a pretty Christmas dress for each of them. Except for Lily. She got a special surprise. Thinking she wasn't getting a gift (she knew she was hard to buy clothes for) she didn't participate while the other girls opened their gifts. Instead, she stayed on her shelf and played with Country Cow and listened as Rhapsody read to her. She liked it when Rhapsody read. She did all the voices. She saw Mommy come into the bedroom with some things to put away. She watched her for a while then went back to her play. Rhapsody suddenly stopped reading and she looked up to see why. Mommy was standing at the shelf. 'Excuse me, Rhapsody, but can I talk to Lily for a moment?' 'Sure!' replied Rhapsody. She put her book down and hopped off the shelf. She wanted to show the girls her new dress anyway. It was purple with purple pawrints. Purple was her color! 'Lily, I have a special gift for you.' 'Wow really?' 
Lily squeaked. A gift, just for her? Mommy reached out her hand. There was something red and white and soft in it. Lily reached out.
Her already wide eyes seemed to get wider. 'Wow!' she exclaimed, 'a Santa hat?' 'The others all have one, and so should you. It's hard to get you clothes, but Julie said her mommmy could make this special, just for you. I just had to measure.' Lily took her special headband off and shoved the Santa hat over her head. It went straight down to her neck. 'Mommy...' Lily said, a bit muffled. 'Yes, well... Mommy has a measuring issue. But we'll work it out.' Laughing she helped Lily adjust her hat. It looked wonderful on her. She looked like a happy little elf. Lily thanked Mommy. 'Please tell Julie and her mommy thank you for me,' she said all excited. She gave Mommy a hug and rushed off to show Rhapsody and the other girls. For the rest of the day she could be seen going from doll to doll asking 'have you seen my new hat?' Mommy went to round up Sophie. She carried her to the same shelf and told her she had something special for her as well. Mommy held out her hand and opened it up. 'Ohhh Mommy!' Sophie said quietly. 'Are they really for me?' 'They sure are, just for you.' Mommy helped her put them on. And there they were. Her very own fingerless gloves, just like Mommy's only in pink. At that moment, Aria climbed up the shelf. She exclaimed at Sophie's gloves and held out her own tiny hand, already sheathed in her own fingerless gloves. 'Now we all match,' said Aria as the two girls put their little hands in Mommy's gloved hand. Mommy gave the two girls hugs and sent them on their way. They made their way back to the living room and played under the Christmas tree with the others for a while. Then someone had the idea to go watch TV so they piled onto the couch and covering themselves with a colorful blanket... and began to argue. Sonata grabbed the remote. 'I want to watch Blue Planet,' she said, beginning to push buttons. 'No way,' replied Aria, 'you always watch Blue Planet. It gets boring.' 'Yeah, not like you and those Golden Girls,' Sonata shot back. 'That lady from St. Olaf is a dipstick.' 'HEY!' 'I want to watch that show with the little people,' piped up Lily. She actually had no idea there was any such show, but felt there should be and it would be something she'd like to watch. There was a ruckus as everyone talked at once and poor Sophie who was sensitive to a lot of ruckus raised her hands and quietly said 'would you like to see my gloves?' No one heard her. Mommy, who was bustling around in the kitchen rolled her eyes. It was time to break up another one. She thought maybe she should rehome the TV. When she caught sight of them arguing, the blanket slowly slipping to the floor, she knew something had to be done. 'QUIET! EVERYONE!' she called. She knelt down in front of the sofa and touched each doll's hand to settle them. 'You have no idea what you're doing here,' said Mommy in an unhappy tone. 'We know what we're doing. We're arguing,' Sonata said, always the wiseacre. 'Right,' said Mommy, but do you know what this IS?' She lifted a corner of the blanket. 'It's a blanket,' said Melody. 'Melody, who gave you girls the tea set?' Mommy asked. 'Auntie Jo,' Melody replied with a smile. She couldn't wait to have a Christmas tea party later. 'That's right,' replied Mommy, 'and that is such a special gift for you, right?' "Yeah, so?' asked Sonata who wasn't quite sure where Mommy was going with this. Mommy gathered more of the blanket and put it back on the couch. She straightened it out and covered each doll's lap with the colorful threads. 'Auntie Jo made this for me. She handmade it special just for me. That means it's a friendship blanket.' All the dolls looked at each other and whispered. They had no idea. "It's so beautiful,' said Melody. 'It's so soft,' said Sophie. 'It's colorful and happy,' said Aria. 'It's very well made,' said Andi, 'how long did it take her?' 'She told me she started it in the summer and worked on it til she was done,' said Mommy with a smile. Her eyes sparkled with tears. 'Why are you sad, Mommy?' asked Aria, concerned. 'Oh honey I'm not,' Mommy replied shaking her head, 'I'm thinking of all the time this took, and how it's such a special gift and how I have some amazing and wonderful friends. It makes me very happy.' 'I'm sorry we were arguing under the Friendship Blanket, Mommy,' said Sonata, 'We understand how special it is now. 'I know you do, girls, it's ok. Now since you all felt the need to argue over the TV, I think we all need a dose of The Grinch to remind us what Christmas is really about.' They agreed and settled down under the Friendship Blanket to watch the movie. When it was over, a few stayed under the blanket and 4 of them, Aria included, made their way to the bedroom for their Christmas tea party. Mommy got up at the same time and called to Aria. 'Aria, honey, before you start your party, there's a special gift on the bed for you.' Aria turned around and said, 'but I got my gift.' 'It's from Aunite Liz.' Aria smiled. She loved Auntie Liz. The boxes she sent in the mail were always so much fun. And she was a wonderful friend to Mommy, like Auntie Jo. Though they'd never met them, Aria loved them both very much. She shuffled quickly to the bedroom, made her way up Max's ramp, stopped at the top... and stared. Oh it was beautiful. And it was really hers? 'Do you need any help, Aria?' Mommy called from the living room. 'No Mommy, I'm ok,' Aria called back. She wanted to do this all by herself. It was a little tricky without Mommy to help, when you can't bend your elbows or knees, but she managed. After she pulled on the second sparkley silver shoe, she sat there a while, admiring. Then she got up, made her way back down the ramp, careful not to tread on the hem and walked into the living room where Mommy was waiting with a smile. As she walked, the fabric swished around her. Her shoes tapped on the wooden floor. She stopped at the tree.
'Do I look ok, Mommy?' she asked shyly. 'OH Aria, you look like a little princess,' Mommy said proudly. 'I do? Like a real princess?' Aria exclaimed. 'You sure do, wait til Auntie Liz sees you.' She took Aria's little hand and danced with her. She twirled her around, Aria's pretty dress wooshing around her. She scooped her up and held her, looking at her. 'You're the prettiest princess, ever,' Mommy said with a smile. Aria hugged her. 'Please thank Auntie Liz,' Aria said happily, 'Tell her I love her. And tell Auntie Jo, too. Thank her for the wonderful tea set and that we love her.' 'Christmas wishes all around, I got it,' Mommy said, 'It's tea time, go have fun.' She sat her down and Aria ran to the bedroom. The other girls ooo'd and ahhh'd when she showed them her dress. In the bedroom, cups were raised. The dolls celebrated. They celebrated their sisters, Mommy and Daddy and the dogs. 'To those we love and to those who love us,' said Aria. The cups clinked together. 'Merry Christmas, my sisters,' said Sophie. The End.
We hope you enjoyed our blog. Merry Christmas to you all!
Love Aria. 🎄


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