Therapy Day

Once a month Mommy goes to see someone very special. She's called a therapist. A therapist is a doctor type person who listens to everything you say. You can tell her about good things or bad things. Things that are bothering you or things that you are excited about. You can tell her everything! Mommy likes her therapist very much. She really helps her and gives her good advice and thoughts. Mommy's therapist's name is Elaine. And this time when Mommy visited her I got to go with her! I actually had been there before a very long time ago. But Mommy wanted to bring me back so Elaine could see my new look and see how much of a good therapy doll that I have become. Mommy helped me put on my favorite outfit. When it was time to go we went outside to wait for Daddy to get home. He drives Mommy to her sessions. While we were waiting for Daddy Mommy and I went over and visited the chickens and let them out of their pen. Our chickens do something called free range every...