Therapy Day

Once a month Mommy goes to see someone very special. She's called a therapist. A therapist is a doctor type person who listens to everything you say. You can tell her about good things or bad things. Things that are bothering you or things that you are excited about. You can tell her everything! Mommy likes her therapist very much. She really helps her and gives her good advice and thoughts. Mommy's therapist's name is Elaine. And this time when Mommy visited her I got to go with her!
I actually had been there before a very long time ago. But Mommy wanted to bring me back so Elaine could see my new look and see how much of a good therapy doll that I have become.

Mommy helped me put on my favorite outfit. When it was time to go we went outside to wait for Daddy to get home. He drives Mommy to her sessions.
While we were waiting for Daddy Mommy and I went over and visited the chickens and let them out of their pen. Our chickens do something called free range every afternoon. Daddy will let them out of their pen and they will wander around our property and eat bugs and grass that they wouldn't normally get if they are in the chicken pen. This makes their eggs more yummy and makes them healthier. Here are some of our chickens.
Olivia is the black one in the front and Mommy's favorite chicken. She's very friendly and runs to Mommy whenever she visits. The black speckled one behind her is Dot. Behind her is Wasabi Daddy's favorite chicken. She likes to follow him around whenever he's out in the garage. In the back is Twinkie. Poppy and Brennan are over to the side but you can't see them very well. And the others were in the coop.
Mommy and I talked to the chickens for a while. They didn't have much to say. Just bawk bawk bawk.
Mommy took these two pictures of me on the porch while we were waiting for Daddy.
Before long Daddy came down the driveway to pick us up. Mommy and I got into the car and we drove to Elaine's office. When we got there the waiting room was empty and I knew we were next. I was really excited.
When it was our turn Miss Elaine called us in to her office. Mommy handed her a bag. Whenever Mommy goes she brings her eggs from our chickens. Mommy calls them Happy Chicken Eggs. Everyone loves eggs!
Miss Elaine was excited to get the eggs. She says they are delicious! I can only pretend to eat them but I think they are delicious too.
Miss Elaine was happy to see me and said my new hair looks beautiful. I climbed onto the couch and we started our session.
Miss Elaine asked how I was doing and I told her I was doing great. I told her I loved being a therapy doll and I loved helping Mommy when she needed me. Miss Elaine asked me what kind of things I liked. I told her I liked books and I like to watch The Golden Girls. Then I showed her my shoes. She thought they were cute. I love my Golden Girls shoes!
It was a nice session and when it was Mommy's turn she had lots of good things to tell her. Of course in therapy everything is confidential. That means that nobody else knows what is said unless the patient decides to tell somebody. Like I just did!
We made another appointment at the end of our session and said goodbye to Miss Elaine until next time.
On the way home since it was late we stopped for dinner. Daddy pulled the car into Whataburger. They ordered dinner and I pretended to have some of Mommy's banana shake. It was tasty!
It was even later when we got home. But it was a nice day and Mommy was in a good mood although she was tired.
I won't go to every therapy session with Mommy but I am looking forward to seeing Miss Elaine whenever the next time is that I go.

I hope you liked my story!
- Love Aria 💗


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