A Very Special Doll

Hi! Melody here! I have a very special story for you. It's about Aria. And Mommy. I know Aria usually runs the blogs but this is her favorite story and when she hears it, or tells it, she starts to giggle. So I thought to save us all some time, I'd tell it. Meanwhile she can relax and giggle herself into silliness.
So let's get started. 
I'm Melody and I'll be your storyteller today. And this is my sister, Aria. Aria was Mommy's first doll.
'Hi! I'm Aria!'

Mommy was excited to get her first custom doll, but she wasn't sure what to ask the Doll Maker for. She gave her ideas and the Doll Maker worked her magic. She created Aria. This was what she showed Mommy. And Mommy was over the moon. Picture courtesy of the Doll Maker. 

So skipping ahead, Aria arrived and Mommy fell in love with her. She gave her a beautiful musical name and they developed a relationship.
A while after, Mommy talked to the Doll Maker again and Mommy got me. Aria and I became fast friends. I was nervous but Aria was confident and welcoming and made me feel like part of the family.
'What about me?' Sonata asked, chiming in. 
This one isn't about you.
'OK, bye.'
So let me tell you some things about Aria. 
Aria has black wrist braces like Mommy. She wears them to help Mommy accept her own braces. She's arachniphobic like Mommy. She likes the same music Mommy likes. 

Aria has a little senior rescue pom. His name is Henry. 

Mommy's heart dog is a senior rescue pom. His name is Max.

They like to read and like the same books. 

They both have terrible eyesight. They wear the same glasses only Mommy has silver and Aria has gold. 
'Melody! Give me my glasses!' 
Sorry Aria. He he he. That's always fun. 

Both of them love to drink water. 
'Melody, you're getting off track.' 
Oh ok, sorry. 

Best of all, they both love their family and friends.
You're up, Sonata, scooch in. 

Mommy was talking to Daddy one day about another doll she was thinking of getting, what the doll community calls a mini - me. She was agonizing about it. One question, was what color hair? Mommy's natural color or the color she has now, or the color she wants it to be? Daddy didn't know. He just listened. 
So Mommy asked her friend, our Auntie. They discussed back and forth. And I know this not because I hacked into Mommy's phone but because... I just know it, ok? 
So one day, Mommy went over to Aria and picked her up. She looked at her real close. Mommy's wheels starting turning. She saw all the similarities. The arachniphobia, the books, the poms and all the other stuff. Aria was Mommy. Except for one thing. Mommy gave Aria a personality she's always wanted to have when she was little. Vibrance, strength, confidence. Mommy held her close and kissed her soft vinyl cheek. 
'My pony girl,' she whispered to Aria. 'My mini - me.' 
The realization hit home. She ran to the phone and texted our Auntie. She told her what had happened. 
'Aria's my mini - me!' she typed. Auntie texted back. - I expected as much. - She was a great friend and totally understood. 
Did everyone know but her? 
But it didn't matter. Everything was in place. Aria and Mommy had discovered the bond no one could break. The bond between a mommy and her special, therapy, mini - me doll. 
Now you'd think I'd close this blog with a picture of Mommy hugging Aria. But I won't. I leave that to them. Instead, here is Sonata saying hello. 

I hope you enjoyed the story. 
-Love Melody 🎶


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