Sophie's Adventure

This blog is dedicated to the Doll Maker, her daughters and their dolls.

Sophie arrived at the Doll Maker's house. She opened the box and took Sophie out.
'Hello, Sophie,' she said, 'it's so nice to finally meet you!' 
Sophie was quiet, she felt shy. The Doll Maker put her on her feet and said, 'we'll start in a little while, go meet everyone!' 
Sophie walked around the house. It was nice here. A doll came up to her. She was blonde. Sophie found this interesting. She'd never seen a blonde doll before. Mommy was right, dolls were as different as people.

'I'm Annabeth!' said the doll giving her a wave. 'We heard about your visit, Sophie. It's so nice to see you! Let me show you around and then we'll go back to get your new wig.' 
'Thanks,' said Sophie quietly. 

'Well first, this is Fergus. Hey look! He likes you already!'

Sophie patted Fergus. 'Mew,' he said. She loved animals and was happy to see animals here.
They walked along and suddenly Sophie heard animated voices. Going in another room she saw two dolls. They seemed to be discussing books.
'My book was best!' said the blonde doll.
'No way, Samantha's book was best and she has an awesome movie!' This doll had purple hair. Sophie smiled to herself.

Annabeth made introductions. 
'This is Caroline,' she said motioning to the blonde doll in the pretty pink dress.
'Pleased to meet you,' she said with a wave. 
'Thalia is over there,' she said pointing to the doll with purple hair. She had stunning blue eyes.
'Hi there!' She said.
'Hi,' said Sophie, 'hey your hair is great! Two of my sisters have purple hair.'
'Purple is best!' said Thalia happily. 'this is Mrs. O' Leary, 'she continued, scratching a little black dog behind the ears.' Go say hello, Mrs. O'Leary. '
The little dog yipped and ran over to Sophie and stood on her feet. She bent to pat him. 
'I love animals, 'she said. 
'Come on, Sophie, let's get a move on so you can get home to your mommy.'
The two dolls waved goodbye and continued their conversation about whose book was best. 
The next room was interesting. It had wigs hanging around and doll parts. It was very strange. The Doll Maker was waiting, perched on a stool. A little person like the Doll Maker stood next to another blonde doll. Everyone was smiling. 
'This is where I leave you, Sophie. We'll play later. Have fun!' Annabeth left the room.
The little girl lifted Sophie onto the table.
'This is Hana. She's going to sit and keep you company while Mom does your hair and face. And don't worry, I'll be here too.'
'Hello,' said Hana. 'Here let me cover you up and we'll get started.' 

It seemed all business but they actually had lots of fun too. The Doll Maker did her face and then let her try on different wigs. They laughed a lot. Sophie suddenly realized she wasn't scared anymore. Here are some of the wigs she tried on. 

The Doll Maker sent pictures to Mommy. This is the one she liked best. 

Sophie had a fun afternoon of playing with the other dolls and the Doll Maker's two daughters. They made her feel like family. When the Doll Maker went to pack her up, Sophie was tired and ready to head home.
Asleep for a few days, she barely noticed when someone started unpacking her box. She heard sniffling and knew Max was checking her box. 

The girls stood around and waited. 

Melody got impatient and started pulling at the wrappings. 

She was unwrapped. 
'Hi, Mommy!' she said happily. 

'Hi, Melody!' she said, turning toward her. 

'Hi, everyone!' she said looking up and reaching out to pat Max. 

Standing up she went to Mommy. Mommy took her hands. 
'I missed you, Mommy,' said Sophie. 'Am I pretty?'
'You were always lovely, honey,' said Mommy. 'But you look amazing!' 
Mommy and Sophie chatted a bit. Sophie spotted a yellow ribbon on the floor. 
'What's that?' she asked. 
'It was wrapped around your package.' 
'Can I have it for my new hair?'
'Of course,' said Mommy. And she put the ribbon on Sophie's hair. Mommy smiled and hugged her.

Then Sophie hugged Melody. And everyone else. 

Sophie was glad to be home. She'd missed her family so much.
Turning to Mommy she said, 'Mommy please thank the Doll Maker and her family for being so kind to me and taking care of me. I loved being there and making new friends. But...' she hesitated. 
'But?' asked Mommy. 
Sophie picked up the bubble wrap and held it out. 
'But she can have this back cause I'm never leaving home again. I missed you all too much!'

She gave Mommy the bubble wrap and ran to play with her sisters.

So that's the story of Sophie's adventure. We are so happy to have her back home. 

We hope you enjoyed our story! 
-Aria & Sophie ❤️


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