Our First Christmas

Christmas morning the girls actually slept in.  They had stayed up so late waiting for Santa that they were very tired.  Mommy woke early and did her 'morning stuff' before waking the little elves.

'Wake up, girls,' Mommy called quietly.  'It's Christmas.'

'Christmas!' they cried, waking immediately.  'Santa!  Presents!'

'Make your beds and tend to your pets and we'll go see what Santa left under the tree,' said Mommy.

'What do you think we got?' asked Aria as she handed Henry to Melody and Sonata rolled up her sleeping bag.

'I don't know, but I bet it's special,' replied Melody.

'Weeeeeeeeee...!' cried Sophie as she slid down Max's ramp.  'Christmas!'

The girls wandered out to the tree.  Holly, Henry and Gilbert gamboled ahead of them.  Everyone was excited.  They all had bed head.  No time to brush your hair when you have presents!

Suddenly Sophie ran to the tree.

'A barre!' she cried running over and throwing herself across it.

'A what?' inquired Melody.

'A barre!  For my ballet,' said Sophie.  'And a pink Santa hat!'

'We all have hats! Mine is purple!' said Melody plopping her hat on her head.  It covered her eyes.  Mommy helped her sort it out after she bumped into the tree a couple times.  She laughed, letting Mommy straighten it on her head.

'I'm next! said Melody.  She found a gift with her name on it.  It was light and squishy.

'What is it? she asked.

'Open it and see,' said Mommy.

'Oh Mommy, it's a chef's outfit!' Melody said.  She was so excited.  She loved to cook.  She switched hats and said to the ceiling, 'thank you, Santa!  And thank you, Mommy.'

'Me next,' said Sonata climbing under the tree to find the gift with her name.  She was already wearing her teal Santa hat, which she'd put on, crying 'whoopee!'.

She pulled out a fairly large package and sat it down in front of Mommy.  She started pulling at the wrapping, Mommy helping with the big pieces.  She turned over the box. 

'Ohhh...' she said in wonder.

'What is it, Sonata?' asked Sophie from where she was working with her barre.

'Oh, it's an astronomy set.'  She ran her hands across the box lovingly.

Mommy helped her open it.  And took out a piece and looked at in wonder.

'Thank you, Mommy.  What a gift,' she sighed.

'What about you, Aria?'  She'd been very quiet.

'Well, Mommy, I have two gifts,' she said from beneath her pale blue Santa hat.

'They must be very special,' said Mommy in reply.  They unwrapped them together.

'Oh wow, books!  And plushies!  Rudolph!  And... and... The Velveteen Rabbit.'  She looked up at Mommy, a pretend tear sliding down her cheek.  It was her favorite story ever.

'Oh Mommy, thank you,' she said holding out her gifts.

A rustling caught their attention.  They all looked over and saw the animals playing happily in the wrappings.  Everyone laughed.

'Mommy, what did you get?' said Aria.  The other girls looked up from their gifts.  Sophie paused her exercises.  What DID Mommy get?

'Well, girls,' Mommy said with a smile, 'I'll have to show you.  But first let's take a picture with your gifts.'  Everyone lined up with their gifts and Mommy took a picture.  Holly still had wrapping paper on her head.  Then, while they were still lined up, Mommy did something odd.

'Stay there,' she said.  Leaning over, she removed their gifts and put them aside and put four flat packages and a little box in front of them.  They shuffled closer to the items and looked at them quizzically.  They chattered amongst themselves for a moment.  Then Aria spoke.

'They look like clothes.  But nothing we'd ever wear,' she said.  They were confused.  Aria continued.  'They're doll clothes, so they're not for Mommy.  Unless... Mommy do we have a new doll?'  Melody almost fell over in delight as Mommy smiled again.  She took a big box from behind her back and put it in front of them.

'OH MY GOD!' Melody screamed throwing her little hands up.  'IT'S COURTNEY!'

They other girls gathered around the box holding the new doll.

Mommy removed her from her box and stood her in front of the group.  She had curly hair and blue eyes.  She was very pretty.  And then she spoke.

'It's totally radical to be here,' she said.  The girls all looked at each other in confusion.  Radical?  Aria, the first doll and self-appointed greeter, introduced herself and everyone else.

'Like ohmygod you have, like, rainbow hair,' Courtney said, rather delighted.  She continued.  'It's tubular actually.  So rad.'

Melody stepped forward and shoved her Santa hat on Courtney's head.

'You can share my Santa hat.  Welcome to the family!'

'Super terrific,' bubbled Courtney.

Sonata looked at Mommy.  All she said was, 'um.'  Mommy explained that she was an historical doll from the 80s.  'Ohhhhh,' everyone said, understanding.

After the arrival of Courtney, everyone changed into their pretty Christmas dresses and Mommy took pictures.

Later, Melody put on her chef's uniform and helped Mommy in the kitchen.  Then they had snacks and watched Christmas movies on TV.

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Love Aria, Melody, Sophie, Sonata and Mommy🎄


  1. What lucky dolls! I'm so glad they don't have to sit on a shelf and just look like dolls. They get to play at being real children.

  2. What a wonderful Christmas, and a new sister on top of all :)


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