Gilbert's Surprise

Gilbert slept in today. By the time he woke up, Melody had already gotten up and dressed. He stretched his little back leg and yawned.
Suddenly he heard someone call his name. It sounded far away. He grabbed his favorite bone and hopped out of bed. While in search of the doll who called his name, he also hoped maybe someone would want to play Bone with him. Bone was his favorite game. He heard voices above his head. It was coming from the top bunk. Placing his paws on the side rung, he barked a greeting.
'Mrph,' he said. It was hard to bark with a bone in your mouth.
A little Pommie face peeked over the side.
'Bork,' said Henry to his friend. Louisa's face also appeared.
'We can't play right now, Gilbert,' she said, Aria is reading us a story.'
Gilbert turned and made the long jump off the dresser. He heard a voice humming and went toward it. It was Sophie. 
'Mrph,' said Gilbert. 
'I can't play, Gilbert, I'm dancing. Count with me, Madeline. One and two and three...' 
Gilbert was pretty sure Madeline was a toy. She seemed to spend a lot of time on the floor. She was there now. 
He was reminded of all the times he dropped his bone. One time it rolled under the dresser where he couldn't get it. Sonata had been passing by and heard him whimper. She got his bone for him and after that he was more careful. He wondered if Madeline had ever been under the dresser. 
Gilbert went out to the living room. He saw Andi sitting on the couch so he sprang up and greeted her. 
'Mrph,' he mumbled around his bone. 
'No play right now, Gilbert,' said Andi. I'm watching TV. You can sit with me though.'
Gilbert didn't want to watch TV. So he jumped off and joined Sonata when he saw her at the table. 
'Mrph,' he said. 
'I can't play right now, Gilbert. I'm taping up the package to send to Daddy's mommy in Australia. It has to be there by her birthday. But if you were wondering who called you, it was Melody. She's out back.' She went back to what she was doing. 
Gilbert wagged his fluffy tail when he heard Melody's name. He went to find her out back. 
Melody saw him come out. There was something in her hand. She reached out to him. 
'Gilbert I'm so glad you're awake! I have a surprise for your! I got you some new toys. Here's one of them.' It was a squeaky duck. 
Gilbert dropped his bone in surprise. He gave a happy little chirp.
You mean instead of just playing Bone, now he could play Duck, too? He hopped off the step and danced around Melody's feet. She threw the duck.
'Get the duck, Gilbert! What a good boy!' she called as Gilbert ran for the duck.
Gilbert got the duck and, squeaking it happily, ran back to give it to Melody. They played for hours.
Feeling tired, Melody sat on the little ramp and scratched Gilbert's ear. Gilbert wagged his tail and nuzzled his favorite doll. Melody was the best.
After their game of Duck, Melody showed Gilbert the other fun toys she'd bought him. Even though they were dog toys, Gilbert felt like the richest Pom in the world.
Later that evening, sleepy from the day, Gilbert lay snuggled in his bed. He held his new duck.
He counted his toys and felt very lucky. Reflecting on the day, Gilbert thought about how much fun he had with Melody. As his eyes started to close, he thought about his favorite part.
After the game of Duck, Melody took Gilbert in her arms. She kissed his tiny wet nose.
'I love you, Gilbert,' she said softly.
'Mrph,' said Gilbert around his new duck. That was Pom speak for I love you, too.

The End.

We hope you enjoyed our story!
-Love Aria 💙


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