Happy Birthday, Aria!

Aria, here! Today is my birthday. Mommy opened my box a year ago today. I am Mommy's first doll and, she says, most special. Mommy loves me very much.
So for my birthday, Mommy gave me an extra special day. When we got up this morning, Mommy said, 'happy birthday!' She told me she had a special day planned. 
First, I changed clothes.
Mommy bought me a special birthday dress. 
Then Mommy said she had a special gift for me. She handed me a box. 
'What are these?' I asked Mommy.
'They are Uno cards,' replied Mommy. 'When I was little, my mommy gave me Uno cards. We would spend hours playing. We even put two decks together for longer games and more fun. Sometimes we didn't even play right. It wasn't about the game. It was about me and her and a mother and daughter bond. It was about laughing and fun. It was about being together and sharing. My mommy isn't here anymore.'
'She's in heaven,' I said touching Mommy's hand. I knew this was hard for her to tell me.
'I want to teach you to play. So we can play together. Then you can teach your sisters and play with them.'
I was so happy! This meant so much to me that Mommy wanted to share this. We sat on the bed and opened the box. I recognized a face. Holding out the card, I called to Courtney, 'Courtney, you're on an Uno card!'
'That's totally rad!' cried Courtney from her shelf nearby. 
Blaire asked if she was on a card, too, but I told her I didn't recognize anyone else. Mommy said we'd talk about who they were later. 
Mommy taught me how to play and she and I played several games. She was right, it wasn't about the game. It was about laughing and talking and being together.
'Yellow on 3, Mommy!' 
'No!' said Mommy, 'Draw 2!'
And we laughed.
After about the millionth game, we realized we should have breakfast. Mommy made me eggs. I love our eggs. They are Happy Chicken Eggs.
After breakfast, Mommy showed me the post on our group about my birthday. My favorite Auntie had made a comment and I was allowed to answer it.
Then Mommy let me do some shopping. She gave me her gift money she had for American Girl. I bought books. 
Mommy said she needed to answer some emails, so we went into the back room and sat at her computer. I wanted to answer the email but I was to short to sit by myself. 
Mommy sat me on her lap while she worked. 
She let me help pick out shower doors for the new bathroom. 'How about these, Mommy?'
After a while, Mommy loaded the American Girl site on Daddy's computer and let me play while she finished her emails. 'Fist Bump, Mommy!' 
We went back to the kitchen table where we colored. This was also something Mommy used to do with her mommy. 
Mommy introduced me to a new friend. 
And they both watched while I colored her egg. 
Mommy took me into the kitchen. She said we were going to watch movies and we could pick snacks. So I picked snacks. Mommy handed me an apple. She said maybe a little less sweet stuff. 
So I took the apple but counter offered with the sharing of a fairy cake.
She agreed. And grabbed a couple bottles of water for us. They were heavy so Mommy carried them and me and I carried the snacks.
On the couch we cuddled under the blanket together. Mommy asked what I wanted to watch. I said The Golden Girls but Mommy couldn't find it streaming. So I picked a couple movies. We sat and watched and ate our snacks and drank our water. Well I pretended to. Obviously I can't... You know. 
We pretty much talked during the movie. Just how her and her mommy used to. I took a selfie. 
We were silly. 
I fell asleep.
Then Mommy fell asleep. Wait, who took this picture? 
We shared cheese balls. Want a cheese ball? 
Mommy and I had a wonderful time together. When Daddy got home, Mommy cooked dinner and fed the little dogs. I helped her. 
After I pretended to eat dinner with Mommy and Daddy, Mommy helped me changed into my pajamas.
We watched some more TV. Why doesn't anyone ever want to watch to watch The Golden Girls?
I sat with Daddy. I love to sit with Daddy. 
Daddy's chair has arms on it. I like to look over and talk to Mommy on the sofa. 
Soon it was bedtime. Mommy carried me to my bunk. Before I climbed up, I gave her the biggest hug ever. 
'Thank you for such a special day, Mommy,' I said, 'I loved every second of it. And thank you for sharing your memories of your mommy with me. I love you, Mommy.'
Mommy hugged me back. 'I love you too, Aria. You're such a special doll. Happy birthday, sweetheart.' 
I climbed into my bunk and Mommy read me my favorite story.
And soon... 
... She was asleep.

Happy birthday, Aria.
-Love Mommy ❤️🎁


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