A Letter to Kira

Andi called to Mommy from the bedroom.

‘Mommy, there’s no signal, I can’t get one on my phone or my tablet.  I want to write to Kira!’

Mommy called back, ‘Go use the computer, Andi, the wifi is slow and isn’t reaching my devices either.  The computer should be alright.’

Andi made her way to the back room that housed Mommy and Daddy’s computers.  She climbed onto the chair and lifted the lid.  She loaded her mail and started a new email to Kira.

Dear Kira,

It’s been a while since I’ve written and I hope this email finds you well.  I am missing Australia but I really like it here.  Everyone has made me welcome and they are all so nice.  Since we last spoke, two more dolls have come to live here.  Alex and Rhapsody.  They are fitting in perfectly.

Mommy has decided that some of us dolls should have middle names.  I’m not sure if that includes me, but you should have seen Aria.  Mommy told her about the middle name thing and immediately Aria decided that she wanted her middle name to be Rose after the Golden Girls which you know she just loves.  Mommy said she wasn’t sure and she’d think about it which apparently was the wrong answer because Aria had a fit.  She stomped around and sulked and when that didn’t work she went to bed and was pretend sick for almost a week.  She moaned and whimpered whenever anyone walked by.

Mommy ignored her.  And it wasn’t until one day when Melody walked by and threw her coat on top of her that she decided she wasn’t getting anywhere.  So she got up and started acting like a normal doll again.

Shortly after that Mommy said it was ok for Aria to pick her middle name so the drama queen… ahem… I mean Aria, is now Aria Rose.  Everyone thinks it’s very pretty.  Personally I think it would have saved a lot of aggravation if Mommy had just given in in the first place. The other dolls weren’t as fussed about choosing their own names.  So Mommy picked some special names.  Melody is now Melody Elizabeth.  Melody is over the moon with that name because she knows how special it is to Mommy.  She was telling everyone and for two days insisted everyone call her MelEl.  No one did.

Sophie and Mommy had a little chat.  Mommy told her that of all the beautiful dolls, she thinks that her mommy would love Sophie the best.  She said that sometimes she can almost see her mommy sitting with Sophie on her lap, playing with her hair and giving her kisses.  Mommy said that it’s because of her mommy that we dolls are here.  So Sophie’s name is extra special.  She is now Sophie Marie, after Mommy’s mommy. Sophie was pleased and spent all day telling her doll how special she felt.

The weather has warmed up here, not like that freezing snowy day I first arrived.  It was SO COLD!  With the nice days, Sophie has been teaching Louisa how to ride a bike.  Louisa has been doing really well.  She hasn’t fallen off once and her confidence is much better.

Lousia has been so happy.  She finally found a pet!  Mommy kept telling Melody to take out the trash and Melody kept putting it off.  Mommy said, ‘it’s going to attract animals!’ and it did!  We all heard a crash from outside.  Melody, Louisa and I all raced to the back and there in the can was a little baby fox.  He had a hurt paw and was so hungry so Lousia scooped him up and brought him inside.

I checked him out, fixed his paw and we fed him.

Mommy wasn’t thrilled about having a wild animal in the house but since he was so tiny she let him stay.  We all promised to take care of him but he’s really Louisa’s.  They are together all the time now.  She named him Scooter.

Mommy asked me about having a pet, but I just can’t decide what I want.  I miss my Australian animal friends.  How’s Princess?  I miss her most of all.  Remember how I was the only one she wouldn’t try to bite?  Oh well, maybe someday I’ll have a pet.  And I know it’ll be perfect.

Mommy says you’re in quarantine and will be home soon.  I am so happy about that.  I can’t wait to see you and hear what you’ve been up to.

All for now.

Love, Andi

After Andi was finished with her letter, Mommy sat down and reread it and fixed her spelling for her. She declared that it was a great letter and Andi happily hit Send.

We hope you enjoyed our blog! We'll meet Kira real soon!

-Love Aria ❤️


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