Welcoming the New Girls & Surprise Gifts

'The new girls are here!' cried Aria from her perch on the dresser. Andi threw up her hands and whooped from her spot on the shelf. Aria hopped off the dresser and went to join her. They huddled together, chatting when Mommy put the first girl on the shelf with them. The pretty doll with the pink hair waved in greeting. 
'I'm Aria,' said her greeter. She reached out and they shook hands. Andi hovered behind her, suddenly shy. 'I'm Rhapsody,' said the new doll. 'What a beautiful name!,' Andi said quietly. . 
Climbing up on the shelf, Sophie chattered to her doll, anxious to meet the new girl. She stood in from of her and stared. Sophie reached out and gently took one of Rhapsody's hands. She looked at their hands together.
'Your vinyl looks like Mommy's hazelnut cookies' she said.
'Geez, Soph,' said Aria, shaking her head in disbelief.
'Can I see your hair? Asked Sophie.' Sure,' Rhapsody replied, turning around. Sophie ran her fingers though Rhapsody's hair. It was very soft. 
'Your hair is beautiful,' she said, 'no one here has pink hair. You're very special.  Can I hug you?' 
The question surprised Rhapsody but made her feel welcome. 'Of course,' she said happily. The dolls hugged. 
'Do you want to see my doll?' Sophie said suddenly holding out her doll. Rhapsody was somewhat confused by the sudden change in conversation, but Aria and Andi breathed a sigh of relief. They knew this was Sophie's way of saying she liked someone. Rhapsody took her cue from the two girls and shook Madeline's tiny knitted hand. 
Sophie left with Madeline. She wanted to change for her dance practice. Mommy put Alex on the shelf. Rhapsody and Alex greeted each other. Then Rhapsody went to follow Sophie. Aria and Alex had something in common... Rainbow hair. They chatted about their common interest for a while. 
Sonata appeared and welcomed Alex. 'Cool hair!,' she said. 'Excellent outfit,' Alex replied.
'Oh thanks! Our friend Jo made it. She made others too! I bet you'd look awesome in the blue sweater. Ask Mommy if you can wear it.'
'Wow thanks, Sonata!' Alex said. It's a little chilly to be wearing this dress.'
'Mommy let's us pick our own clothes. That's why Melody is always doing a crazy clash.'
'Hey!' cried Melody from across the room. 
'It's true,' laughed Sonata.
'I know,' answered Melody. 'But I love it,' she whispered to herself, tugging the knitted hat down. She loved stuff that clashed with her hair. Their friend Jo had made this outfit and it was quickly becoming her favorite. She's added the red boots the Dress Maker's mother had made for an extra clash. 
Alex did not like to clash, however. But being tired from her travel, she didn't really feel like  going through the clothes so she asked Mommy to put her in something comfortable. Mommy chose jeans and a Popples tee. Feeling better, she left to nap. 
Louisa decided yellow was for her and claimed Jo's handmade shawl. She asked Mommy to snap a picture of her with the two new dolls and went prancing about the house singing a tune that resembled Walkin on Sunshine, but when asked, she admitted she didn't know the words. 
Welcome to our new friends/sisters, Alex and Rhapsody. And a big thank you to our Auntie Jo for our lovely gifts!
We hope your enjoyed our blog! 
-Love Aria 💞


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