Therapy Dolls Unite!

Aria stepped off the big bed and onto Max's ramp.  She straightened her glasses.  She was barefoot and her hair was a mess.  She wondered where her shoes had gone to.  She sat down on the ramp and started to slide down.

Andi was passing the bottom of the ramp and looked up to watch her.  She was surprised to see Aria disheveled and barefoot.

'Aria, are you ok?' asked Andi.

Aria looked down at her.  It took her a moment to reply.  Then she said, 'Andi, we need a doll meeting.  Could see who you can find and meet me at the table in ten minutes?'

'Yeah!  I'm on it!' Andi replied and she rushed away to find the others.  She found two of them sitting in the dog blankets playing UNO.

'Uno!' Cried Sophie. 

'No way,' replied Melody. 'You have like 40 cards! '

'Do not,' said Sophie. They looked up as Andi approached them. 

'I'm sorry to spoil your game, but Aria's calling a doll meeting,' said Andi.  'Where are Sonata and Lily?'

'In the bathtub,' replied Melody.  Anyone else would have thought this was strange, but in this house, everyone knew Science with Sonata always took place in the bathtub.  Andi went and rounded them up.

By the time they got to the table, the other girls were there along with Aria who had thankfully brushed her hair.  Although her shoes were still missing.  Lily climbed onto Sophie's lap, Sonata plopped down in the last chair and Andi stood with her hand on Melody's shoulder.

They all watched Aria expectantly.  Finally she spoke.  'We need to talk about Mommy.'  Voices came from everywhere.  'Is she ok?'  'Is she sick?'  'I hope it's just pretend sick.'  Aria held up a vinyl hand.  'Hang on.  She's ok.  But something happened today that I think everyone should know.  So we can be the best therapy dolls we can possibly be.  We all need to understand.'

'What's a 'derpy doll?' Lily asked.  Sonata stifled a giggle.  Aria gave the little doll a long look.  She can't be blamed, she was young and very new here.

'Not a derpy doll, Lily,' Aria replied patiently.  Sonata snickered again, Aria shot her a look.  'A Therapy Doll is what all of us are.  We provide comfort and healing to Mommy when she is sick or has something called a 'panic attack' or 'anxiety attack'.  Or even just if she's sad.'  Lily nodded her head in understanding.

'Today,' Aria continued, 'Mommy had a really bad panic attack.  It was hard for her to breathe, she was shaking and scared.  She was dizzy and couldn't stand well and her chest hurt.  Daddy brought her into the bedroom to lie on the bed.  He came to get me and put me in Mommy's arms.  I knew right away something was wrong so snuggled Mommy really close.  She snuggled me back.  Daddy also warmed up Mommy's bunny with the lavendar in it and that seemed to help her a little bit.  It was a very long panic attack and Mommy snuggled me so much my shoes fell off, but eventually she was feeling better and she fell asleep holding me and Xander Bunny.'  She took a big pretend breath and looked around.

Sonata spoke up.  'So we have to be on the lookout for these signs that Mommy isn't feeling well.  And if she asks for one of us, or Daddy gets one of us for her, we have to be prepared and be the best therapy dolls we can be for her.  To make her feel better.'

'That's exactly right, Sonata,' replied Aria.  'We need to understand that sometimes Mommy needs us and sometimes it can be really bad.  We can't be scared, or run away or say we don't want to help if we are doing something else.'

'I'm a little scared,' said Lily quietly.  Sophie wrapped her arms around her.  Everyone turned to look at her.  Because they were all thinking the same thing.

'I understand,' said Aria.  'Honestly I'm a little scared myself.  But we need to be brave, because Mommy is brave as she can be while this is happening, but sometimes she needs help.  And we need to help her.  Being a therapy doll is an important job.  It's not all playtime for us.'  All the dolls nodded in aggreement.  Sure, playtime was fun.  So was changing clothes and getting their hair brushed.  But it felt really good to help Mommy as well.

Aria reached over and put her hand out.  The others did the same, and all touched hands.  'Here's to helping Mommy and being the best therapy dolls ever!' she said.  Everyone said 'THERAPY DOLLS RULE!' and their hands broke apart.

They all sat there a while in silence.  There really was nothing else to say about the whole thing.  Aria explained it very well.  But they weren't ready to go back to what they were all doing.

Sometimes just being together is therapy, too.

We hope you liked our story.

Love Aria❤


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