Kira Comes Home

 Andi stood at the gate at the front door bouncing on the balls of her feet.
'Come on... commme onnnnnn...' she said under her breath.  Today was finally the day.  She joined the family a few months ago and though she's settling in well, every day she's missed not only her native country of Australia but her best friend Kira whom she met when Kira went to Australia to help out at the animal sanctuary.  Their love for helping animals created a solid bond.  It's a bond that people who don't like animals just can't understand.

'Come on, come on!' Andi said again.

Mommy put her hand on her head.  'Patience, Honey, she'll be here soon.'

Andi and Kira had sent written letters nearly every week and emailed almost daily since Andi was adopted.  Finally, Kira's last email stated she was in quarentine and would be home really soon.  Andi was extatic.  The other girls were excited as well.  But not like Andi.  They had accepted Kira as a penpal and had become good friends with her through her letters.  They were all excited to meet her.

Andi asked Mommy again if she knew what the surprise was that Kira mentioned.
'I don't know, Andi,' Mommy replied again.  'All she said was that she was bringing something with her that was 'very Australian.''

'I bet she's bringing a friend home with her,' said Sophie from the couch, looking up from her book.

'No way,' responded Aria, 'Mom would have had to do more paperwork if she was bringing someone home with her.'

'Twice is enough, eh, Mommy?' said Sonata.  She knew Mommy was going crazy from doing paperwork for Andi and then for Kira.

Mommy smiled.  'Yes, twice is enough.'

'Why did she have to be in quarentine for so long?' asked Aria.

'I don't know,' replied Mommy.  'I know it's two weeks because of the virus but this was longer for some reason.  I hope there wasn't an issue.  Kira never mentioned a problem.'

They all fell silent.

A few minutes later they heard the Uber pull up outside.  Andi started hopping again.  The girls got off the couch and came to the door to greet their new sister.  Mommy went outside to help Kira with her bags.

The girls couldn't quite see out the screen door so they stood inside the gate to wait.  Even the animals were there to meet the infamous, animal rescuing Kira.

Mommy came back into the house holding Kira's backpack and suitcase.  There was an odd expression on her face.  She held the door open for Kira who, very obviously jetlagged, entered, pulling something behind her.  Her face held a tired smile when she saw Andi.  Andi opened the gate to let Kira through and held her arms out to her.  The two girls embraced.

'G'day, mate,' said Andi.

'G'day,' replied Kira.  'It's been ages, I've missed you so much!  We have so much to talk about!'  Andi nodded her head in reply.  The box Kira had rolled inside suddenly shuddered.  Andi released Kira and gazed at the box.  It was actually an animal crate.

'Kira,' Andi said slowly, 'is this the surprised you mentioned?'  Kira's smile broadened.  She put her hand on Andi's shoulder and said, 'This gift is especially for you.'

The crate gave a soft hiss.

'A kitten!' Sophie exclaimed moving forward.  Aria and Sonata held her back as the animals all ran away.

'I... um... don't think that's a kitten, Sophie,' Aria said.

'PRINCESS!' cried Andi, 'you brought home Princess!  That's why you were in quarentine for so long!  Because SHE had to be quarentined too!'  Mommy rolled her eyes and sighed.  Andi looked up at her, beaming.  Mommy wasn't a big fan of this gift.  But seeing the look on her girl's face made it all worth it.

'Go ahead,' Mommy sighed again.  'Take her out.  But be careful!  Don't let her eat anything.  Or anyONE,' she muttered the last part.

'Princess is harmless,' said Kira as Andi popped open the crate.  'She doesn't have any teeth and not much strength.  Someone found her on the road and brought her to the sanctuary.'

As Andi reached in and gathered the creature in her arms, Kira continued to explain.  'She was so sick when we got her.  And so scared.  Even though she doesn't have any teeth, she tried to bite everyone who handled her.  But when Andi tried, she curled around her and fell asleep.  It was love at first hiss!  From then on, Andi was the only one who was able to handle her.  They are running out of room there because of all the koalas that came in from the fires, so they were going to put her somewhere else.  I thought it would be better to bring her here where she has a friend.'

'Yeah... better...' mumbled Mommy.

Andi stood up, tipping a little.  Princess was rather heavy.  In her arms was a beautiful, albino... wait... was that a snake?  Andi kissed Princess on her nose.  The snake blinked and flicked out her tongue.

'Mew?' said Holly from around the corner.  Henry gave a soft growl.  Gilbert and Scooter were under the bed.

Andi turned toward her sisters.  'Come say hello to Princess!' she said.

'How... about... no?' said Sonata, turning to walk away and dragging Sophie with her.

'I want to pet the kitty,' Sophie complained, not quite getting the gist of the situation.

'Later, Sophie,' replied Sonata, hustling her away.  Aria stood there with Melody.  Melody shook her head emphatically, her ponytail whipping her face.

'Um... ok,' declared Aria, moving forward.  'Is she slimy?' she asked.

'Not at all,' replied Andi.  'She's actually very soft and warm.'

Slowly, Aria reached out and touched Princess.  She ran her hand down her back, amazed.  She was smooth and warm.  When Princess moved, she could feel how muscular she was.  With her fingertips, she could feel her scales, a little bumpy, but very soft.

'Wow,' breathed Aria, 'she's amazing!'  The big snake turned her head toward Aria.  She had warm, intelligent eyes.  Her tongue flicked out, making Aria jump a little.

'She is smelling you,' said Andi.  'Snakes smell by flicking their tongues out.  Would you like to hold her?  She really seems to like you!'

'I... I don't think I'm ready for that yet,' she said nervously.  But she gave Princess another rub on her back.  Princess blinked at her.  She really was very pretty.

'I'm not touching that thing!' Sonata called from the bedroom where she was removing Scooter and Gilbert from under the bed.  Melody was still shaking her head.  This was, for sure, the strangest pet anyone ever thought they'd end up with.

Andi heard a yawn behind her.  She turned, remembering Kira in her excitement.  'You need a nap, Kira,' Andi said.  She put Princess back in her crate for the time being and she and Aria led Kira to the bedroom, Melody bobbing along behind them not wanting to left alone with Princess.  A tiny cloth head poked around the doorway.

'Would you like to see my doll?' came a distant voice.  Andi chuckled at Kira's confused expression.  'Sophie likes you,' she explained.  The girls showed Kira where she could nap.  Aria and Melody left and Andi sat with Kira.  They talked for a while, mostly about Australia until Kira's eyes started to close, then Andi left her to sleep.  Andi gathered Kira's things to be unpacked later and went to talk to Mommy about where Princess would live.  Mommy was still a little pale.  But she was happy to see Andi so happy and thrilled to have Kira home.

Welcome home, Kira!

We hope you enjoyed our blog!

- Love Aria


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