Dolly Shenanigans

Hi everyone. Mommy here! This is Aria's blog but here's a short story about one of the mixes the girls got into when left to their own devices. They are the best of friends and wonderful sisters. But sometimes... Well all sisters fight sometimes right? And apparently it's fun to take Aria's stuff. So I was out in the living room and I heard a ruckus. Going into the bedroom, this scene met my eyes. 'Ha ha! Got your jacket!' 'Melody, give it back!' *Thump* 'Hey get off me!' 'Give it back!' 'No!' 'I'm going to thump you, Melody!' 'I'd like to see you try it, Four - Eyes!' 'Purple Hair!' 'You have purple hair, too, Aria!' 'Well... Uhhh... Rainbow Brain!' 'Nice come back, Vinyl Head!' 'You guys are so immature. You need to grow up and be proper dolls.' 'Ha ha! Got your jacket!' *Thu...